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All things PBC Expo and where to get your freebies

Writer: Carlyful LifeCarlyful Life

When you become pregnant things can get overwhelming in a hot minute. Then you have your bundle and things are spinning and you never know if you are prepared or not. It can be hartd work, a lot of research and a few breakdowns before you decide what brands and productas you actually need for your new bundle.

Fear not - I have done all the hard work for you. This weekend I attended the Pregnancy, Baby and Childrens Expo in Sydney and experienced all it had to offer.

There are so many brands, products and information out there but, what is really worth it? What do you and don't you need to worry about?

The PBC Expo provides a place where all your questions can be answered by exhibitors, small brands and medical professionals.

The "parent room" facilities provided were amazing. There were little stalls with gliders and foot rests for the breastfeeding Mama, high chairs, change table stations and a play area.

There was even a community nurse/midwife at all times to answer any health questions or queries parents had. They provided baby weight and health checks as well .This is a service that shows the attention to detail that is put into planning an expo like this.

A lot of parents - especially new parents worry a lot about every spot, rash or new behaviour their child picks up. Having this professional easily accessible made me, as a visitor feel comfortable in the quality that I would find throughout the expo.

There were also some activities for the children which included face painting, a big ball pit and indoor playground. Of course we had to stop for a little play in the ball pit.. it's Thomas favourite thing!

Even after being a parent for nearly a year already the expo had so many exhibitors that were a benefit.

This is a great little company, local to Sydney. Thomas has severe reflux and since getting their Bambinitea and consuming it everyday his pain has lessened, resulting in him being able to go to bed earlier and gives Tom and I relief as parents.

Their blends are specially formulated 100% organic and caffeine free. They have blends to assist with every stage of pregnancy. From fertility to postpartum, breastfeeding and beyond.

Tracey, the director and founder has so much knowledge, tips and is approachable and down to earth. (She gives free samples of all blends at their exhibit too - YUM!)

If you follow me on my social media accounts, you will already know how in love I am with this company and their products. Thomas and I were lucky enough to help out on a photoshoot and ever since we have both been head over heals for their products.

They provide silicone made teethers, toys and jewellery - one of their bangles was being given out by the lovely Mumprenuer - Claire.

Their exhibit was visually appealing (and not just because Thomas was on a large poster), welcoming but, their products speak for themselves. It's proven with the multiple awards Jellystone Designs won in 2018 including Favourite Toy for the My Child Excellence Awards.

Since returning to work I upgraded my breast pump to a Medela freestyle. Ever since upgrading I would get sore nipple and tenderness. I knew something wasn't right.

At the Medela stand the ladies were all so approachable. There were machines on display, information freely given and plenty of welcoming faces. After explaining my concerns with one of the Medela girls she immediately told me that it sounded as though my flange was too big... my what?! I didn't even really know there were different sizes. I was provided with a ruler and a pamphlet on how to measure my nipple... and a tip I didn't know - its only the nipple needing to go into the neck of the flange and not the areola too.

I purchased the size down and since I have been pumping with no pain and maximum results. I highly recommend seeing your Medela experts and checking your sizes.

This stall was something I stumbled upon. I had actually never seen or heard of them before that day. Bec, who I attended with mentioned them upon arrival but, something special about their stall drew me to them.

Made to Milk have lactation cookies, lactation cookie mixes and a smoothie blend available. All have the essential ingredients to assist with premium milk production.

Talissa (the brains behind the operation) had ducked out and Cade, her lovely husband had taken the reigns. He was so comfortable taking lactation and all things milk making with me.

They were sold out of pre-made cookies which shows you how great their products really are.

I have since been having a smoothie daily - they are such a treat and Thomas actually loves them too!

Now, this I had seen and heard of before but, I was always kept a sceptic. I knew it was a stall I just had to visit to make up my mind once and for all. Thomas is very strong and he hates getting his nails cut. I feel like Steve Irwin wrestling a croc every time nail cutting comes around and lets be honest, its a pretty traumatic time for both of us.

NailSnail was demonstrated on him and my normally squirmy, screaming child that loathes nail cutting was smiling, giggling and charming the lady while she was cutting his nails...WHAT!

I had to fork out the $19.95 just for the peaceful experience.

This was always going to be a brand I made a little time for. Thomas was so difficult to get to drink any water and the BBox weighted straw bottle has been a god send.

The sales available at the Expo were second to none and I grabbed myself some real bargains there. Certainly one to check out.

Another exhibit that I had never tried before that really stood out as a crowd pleaser to me were My Family book - this hit close to home as we do not have family close. Having Thomas be able to have a fabric book of all his loved ones clipped to the pram is pretty special.


Ok, enough about me going on and on about all these products... lets get to what everyone really wants to know. My second favourite F word... FREEBIES.

A lot of freebies and discounts were in the voucher book you receive on entry to the expo. I recommend going through that as there are plenty of bargains to snatch up.

Brands like Tommee Tippee offered a free bottle to the first 100 visitors (amazing).

Most exhibits had you scan your ticket for some freebies.

Dermeze gave out a full moisturizer as a sample. It has had no reaction to Thomas' sensitive skin. I didn't really expect it to because it is used by Bec for her sons eczema with amazing results. It will be our best friend for dry skin in the winter months.

Along with plenty of products, freebies and taste testers also came information. e biscuits and rice rusks which are a household favourite for us. They were also doing 3 boxes for $2 - you cant go wrong with that!

Cherub Baby offered a great sample pack where you got a reusable pouch and an icy-pole slip which is a great tester and introductory their products.

Along with plenty of proucts, freebies and taste testers also came information.

Now, I think becoming or being a parent knowledge is key.

One of my favourite things about the PBC Expo is the time and effort they put into informing parents of services, teaching the knowledge and skills and ensuring confidence leading into parenthood and every stage that comes with it.

One place that hits home for me is Tresillian. Tresillian is an early parenting service offering families guidance in the early years.

Tresillian is actually somewhere we will be attending in just over a month to assist with Thomas' sleep. There at the stall you could get pamphlets, ask real people questions and I even saw someone being assisted with their babies latch.

The Road Safety facility was also just as informative. There are a lot of contradictory views on what is actually safe for travelling with a baby and when you should transition baby seats or stop one all together. Here I was provided a lot of helpful information on not only these topics but, also on how to teach my child road safety.

Along with all these information stalls and exhibits, PBC also offer a number of information talks where you can sit in on a talk with an expert, ask questions and receive up-to-date information from a trusted source. Some of the information session topics included Antenatal Classes, Breastfeeding and what is normal, Active parenting before birth and safe sleeping environments.

The PBC Expo isn't only for Mums and Mums-to-be. They also held a lot of talks on "becoming Dad" and "being a Dad" which is essential for all Dads and Dad-to-be's to know that they are also included.

All in all the Expo was an amazing experience. I left with a headache from all the new information retained and product exposure but, I was able to reflect on a lot of things including all the choices we have as parents.

Raising a mii human is confronting and hard but, gaining knowledge, information and safe products will help ease that anxiety.

If you're wondering if taking the day to visit I can tell you it is.

Grab your partner, your best gal pal and head on in.

The PBC Expo is heading to all capital cities in the near future. Below are the upcoming dates to mark in your calendar!

BRISBANE: 28-30 June 2019

PERTH: 9-11 August 2019

MELBOURNE: 18-20 October 2019

ADELAIDE: 19-19 April 2019

SYDNEY: 22-24 May 2019

You can find more information at their website here or on any of their social media accounts.

I hope this run down has assisted you in a lot of the decisions or questions you may have had.

For now, It's off to bed for this little Mama.

Until next time,

Carly xx



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